Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I've been blessed with some significant recognition for my work recently (the PMA Biennial, The Art In Embassies Program) and it's with just as much appreciation on my part that I announce here an Honorable Mention award I got for two collages I submitted recently to a juried show in Belfast. My collages tend to be abstract studies of the push and pull of verticals and horizontals in a small field of quiet color. The jurors for the show are four Belfast artists whose work I admire so I am pleased to have had the work recognized in this way. I am hoping one or both of the collages sell as the show is a fundraising event for Hospice of Waldo County and there is no group more generous than hospice volunteers.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


There are lots of goldfinches in the garden these days but sadly no sign of even one monarch. Last year I think I saw three. We have a large patch of milkweed in our fields and I have been hopeful about having monarchs, the way we suddenly spotted bobolinks this spring when we thought there were none. While the milkweed has pods I saw no caterpillars. Speaking of caterpillars, I should be watching for signs of the awful tomato hornworm. It's about that time of the season...