Friday, September 30, 2011

Just Back from Matinicus

I've just gotten home from a trip out to Matinicus with my sister Megan and her daughter Morgan and friend Greg. We had a beautiful, speedy trip out by boat with George Tarkelson on the Robin on Tuesday, spotting porpoise in the Bay. It was time to close everything up for the winter so we spent the three days we were there doing the final mowing, cutting back the gardens, hanging the covers over windows, bringing batteries from vehicles into the cellar, runnign the last recyclables to the island recycling shed and various other chores necessary to close up the big house and the two cottages. I had been eager to talk to some of the islanders who had been involved with our rescue after the plane crash to thank each one personally for their role. Clayton Philbrook, who plucked KC and me from the water came to the house for a visit and filled me on on details I'd not known about, including an disturbingly descriptive color for my skin in my hypothermic state. I found out on the ferry ride home this afternoon that Channel 6, WCSH Portland ran a story just last night on their 207 program about Matinicus. I've just watched it and if you want to see how the plane flies in and out of the airstrip on the island take a look. It's at, look for the 207 headline at the top.

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