Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Busy, Happy Days

For some reason, when I first got home from the hospital, I pictured unbearably lengthy days ahead of me, painful and lonely. The reality has been anything but that! Yesterday was so busy I didn't have time to post. First taking care of e-mail, picking some blueberries for breakfast, exercises. The PT came at the same time as soem friends arrived to drop off dinner, a nice reunion, as all these visits are. Then at lunchtime a visit from My sister in law Elphie and my niece Madeline and nephew Henry. We almost finished the tail end of all the beautiful healthy whole grain salads people have been bringing. Such healthy food--I am sure this is why I am feeling so strong again so soon! After lunch my generous neighbors Debby and Heather brought their children over to do some gardening for me--it was getting sad for me to see my gardens get weedy again after all the vigilant attention we'd given them for the garden tour on July 10. Carol arrived for a visit after I'd gotten the gardening crew going and then it was time to lie down for awhile so I could have a break from the brace and just lie quietly for a little while, a little internal naval contemplation. Another visit from long time best buddy Dory whose other good friend KC was also in the plane crash as we had decided to fly off the island together on the 17th so I could give KC a ride to Union to meet up with her daughter after her very first visit to Matinicus. I am so happy to report that KC is back home finally and will also mend completely, I am told, even after the double whammy of heart surgery AND back surgery. Dory is caling the three of us passengers "plucky." I think it took more than pluck to get us through that ordeal, a convergence of luck and miracle but I like being called plucky. Kind of a combination of lucky and...pleased? fiesty? I am certainly more than just pleased!
I was exhausted by nine and had the best overnight rest so far. Bart and I have learned how to get back to sleep quickly after our one and a half hour intervals getting up during the night.
My love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Abbie! You sound great! Every day better and better..........I am so glad. Every year right about now I start to remember Vermont and I was so happy you made the effort to visit me.....:-)
